Maddie * Anna * Paige

Anna's February Short Story

Keep in Contact
Anna Gonzales

“Oh! Your mom is here,” Miss Robin said in a dull way.  As I rushed down the stars my mom honked the horn in her car.  I ran as fast as I could.  Finally I was buckled up in the car and ready to go. As Tyler was drooling all over his shirt, while he was sleeping, Mom whispered to me, “Look, I got my new contacts.”  When we got to Kiln Creek Elementary School, Tyler woke up and Mom had to carry him.
            When we got inside Jonathan was already waiting for us.  As we were walking out of the school, Mom said, “Oops, I think I left the car door unlocked!”  When I got to the car the door was wide open!  I told Jonathan to run and tell my mom her contacts where gone.  Tyler thought they got up and walked away.  Jonathan started to throw as huge hissy fit because we had plans to go to the playground at Burger King, but instead we had to ask the principal if he would make an announcement asking if anyone had seen a box of contacts.  Suddenly, we bumped into Jonathan’s friend, Gavin, who was with his mom,Kasey.  We asked them about the contacts and Kasey said, “Tell me about your new contacts.”  So my mom did, but  mom didn’t tell her the name of the company.  Then Kasey said, “Do you mind taking Gavin because I am going to go get contacts somewhere else?”
            Later, as Gavin opened his backpack I saw a box inside that had the letter “C” on it.  I didn’t think it was the box of contacts because the entire second grade was sent home with a “C” box because they had to put something inside the box that started with C for show and tell at the end of that week.  After they were done with their homework, Kasey knocked on the front door.  When I saw her she had no glasses on like she normally did.  She seemed nervous.
 As my mom and Kasey were talking and Gavin, Tyler, and Jonathan where playing, I thought to myself, “Maybe the box of contacts is in Gavin’s book bag.”  So my plan was to switch the book bags because Gavin and Jonathan have the same backpack.  Then I will ask Jonathan what his “C” box looked like.  That is how I will figure out if he had the box of contacts without digging in Gavin’s book bag.
            When Kasey and Gavin left, I asked Jonathan, “Would you show me what your “C” box looks like?”  He pulled out the “C” box and there were no contacts. 
The next day I finally got the nerve to ask Kasey if she took the contacts.  When I saw her I asked her, “Did you steel any contacts?”  She said, “No, I just borrowed them because I was trying to figure out the name of the contacts' company. I was hoping your mom would tell me the name of the contacts' company and where it was located so I could put the contact box back in your car. The contact box didn’t have the location on it so I borrowed the contacts and found the name of the company online.  Here is your box of contacts."
 I then gave the box of contacts back to my mom. Finally, we got Jonathan and Gavin’s book bags switched back.  I realized I could have asked Kasey in the beginning.  I learned my lesson, I should never be afraid to ask about something.  I am sure Kasey learned her lesson too, that she should not be afraid to ask questions.

Paige's February Short Story

Case #14
for PAM Detective Agency
P. Elliott Ball

    “There! All finished!” said ten year old Abby. It was the day before her school’s Valentine’s Day party. She had just finished making the valentines for her fourth grade class and placed them on the dining room table. Abby just knew everyone was going to LOVE them!
     Before school the very next morning as Abby was getting ready for her school party, she couldn’t find her valentines anywhere. Suddenly she remembered she accidently forgot to pick them up last night. She went downstairs to look for them but still couldn’t find them. So she called her BFF’s, Paige, Anna, and Madison, which were part of the PAM detective Agency, and told them what happened. The girls all hastily agreed they would be right over.
              When the girls got to Abby’s, Madison asked for the whole story. Abby spilled out the long but confusing tale. After hearing the whole story the girls decided to look around Abby’s house for clues. But, they all came out disappointed. Suddenly, late as usual, Abby’s mom came rushing out of the house. “Love you sweetie! I’ll see you when I get home!” she shouted over her shoulder as she jumped into her car and zoomed down the road to work.
 Rather discouraged, Anna sighed, “I don’t think we’re ever going to solve            this mystery.”
 “We WILL find the valentines for you, Abby!” Madison encouraged enthusiastically.
            About thirty minutes later, the girls who had probably looked in every thinkable spot, heard Abby’s cell phone ringing. Abby picked up her pink, sparkly phone and answered, “Hello?”  Then the person on the other end spoke in a rushed tone and said, “Hi Sweetie! This is mom. I have some bad news for you. I have your valentines. This morning when I was rushing out of the door to go to work, I slipped my Kindle off the dining Room table and stuffed it in my purse. I must have grabbed your valentines at the same time.”  “Wow, Mom! You are a great detective!” exclaimed Abby. “Thank you!”
 All three girls piled on Paige’s motor scooter and traveled to Abby’s mom’s work. Later when they had the valentines, Abby happily passed them around to her classmates. Paige laughed, “So, I guess we DID solve the mystery of the missing valentines!” 


Within Our Grasp
     The heart in this piece of art depicts God's love.  The hand represents us reaching for His love.  No matter what happens to us, good or bad, we should always reach to Him.  He is ALWAYS available and within our grasp.    * Paige *

Red Glow
     I call this piece the "Red Glow" because the heart glows.  I just love bright colors that glow like that.  Neon colors glow.  Neon colors move me and inspire me, just like God does.  God inspired me to be an artist.  *Anna*

Amazing Grace
     In this piece the hand represents my sin; the heart represents Jesus' blood. This shows me lifting my hand out of the sin all around me and reaching to Jesus.     *Madison*

Maddie's February Short Story

Please Pass the Mustard
By  Madison N. Ball

Steam flew out as Carlos got a hot dog from the steamer to put on a bun.  The customer was waiting for the mouthwatering treat.  Carlos asked the customer what he wanted on his hot dog and the little boy answered, “Please pass the mustard.”  This scene was repeated everyday on Tommy’s way home from school. Today, however, would be the last time Carlos and Tommy would be meeting like this; it was the last day of school before summer vacation. Tommy and Carlos had become good friends over their chats at the hot dog stand each day.  In fact, most of the folks in the town were friends with Carlos too.  Everybody loved his hot dogs and friendly greetings.  As Tommy walked away, he hugged Carlos and said, “See you in the fall!”
            The night before the first day of school, Tommy wasn’t sure if he was more excited to see his new class or have a hot dog with Carlos.  When school finally ended Tommy ran to see Carlos, but was alarmed when he arrived at the familiar spot and Carlos was not there.  In the spot where Carolos’s hot dog stand usually sat was a new fancy restaurant. Tommy looked up and down the street for Carolos, but he was nowhere to be found. He felt terrified that he may never see Carolos again or eat his mouthwatering hot again. Day after day he went looking for his friend after school, but never found him. 
            When Tommy talked with his dad, he told Tommy that the new restaurant had probably put Carolos out of business.  This made Tommy so sad.  He knew Carlos needed this job to provide for his family.  Something had to be done to help Carlos!
            The next day, for his mother’s birthday, Tommy’s family went to the new fancy restaurant for dinner.  This was not a happy meal for Tommy, all he could think about was Carlos and how this restaurant had made him loose his job.
            Suddenly, the lights went off.  The entire restaurant had lost its power.  After a while people started getting hungry, and hungry people get frustrated; they wanted to eat. Tommy looked out the window and to his surprise saw Carlos walking by with his hot dog stand. He jumped up and ran out the door after Carlos.  The two friends hugged and enjoyed a hot dog together.  The people inside the fancy restaurant saw Tommy eating and they joined him at the hot dog stand. You could hear people saying things like, “This is the best hot dog I’ve ever had, “,“I have missed this place!” and “Hey, why don’t you open up your stand again?”  It was decided right then and there that Carlos would open his hot dog stand again.
            The following Monday, after school, Tommy ran to the hot dog stand and shouted, “Hey Carlos, please pass the mustard!”

"Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible." Paul Klee

Paige Elliott

Madison Nicole

Anna Grace