Keep in Contact
Anna Gonzales
“Oh! Your mom is here,” Miss Robin said in a dull way. As I rushed down the stars my mom honked the horn in her car. I ran as fast as I could. Finally I was buckled up in the car and ready to go. As Tyler was drooling all over his shirt, while he was sleeping, Mom whispered to me, “Look, I got my new contacts.” When we got to Kiln Creek Elementary School, Tyler woke up and Mom had to carry him.
When we got inside Jonathan was already waiting for us. As we were walking out of the school, Mom said, “Oops, I think I left the car door unlocked!” When I got to the car the door was wide open! I told Jonathan to run and tell my mom her contacts where gone. Tyler thought they got up and walked away. Jonathan started to throw as huge hissy fit because we had plans to go to the playground at Burger King, but instead we had to ask the principal if he would make an announcement asking if anyone had seen a box of contacts. Suddenly, we bumped into Jonathan’s friend, Gavin, who was with his mom,Kasey. We asked them about the contacts and Kasey said, “Tell me about your new contacts.” So my mom did, but mom didn’t tell her the name of the company. Then Kasey said, “Do you mind taking Gavin because I am going to go get contacts somewhere else?”
Later, as Gavin opened his backpack I saw a box inside that had the letter “C” on it. I didn’t think it was the box of contacts because the entire second grade was sent home with a “C” box because they had to put something inside the box that started with C for show and tell at the end of that week. After they were done with their homework, Kasey knocked on the front door. When I saw her she had no glasses on like she normally did. She seemed nervous.
As my mom and Kasey were talking and Gavin, Tyler, and Jonathan where playing, I thought to myself, “Maybe the box of contacts is in Gavin’s book bag.” So my plan was to switch the book bags because Gavin and Jonathan have the same backpack. Then I will ask Jonathan what his “C” box looked like. That is how I will figure out if he had the box of contacts without digging in Gavin’s book bag.
When Kasey and Gavin left, I asked Jonathan, “Would you show me what your “C” box looks like?” He pulled out the “C” box and there were no contacts.
The next day I finally got the nerve to ask Kasey if she took the contacts. When I saw her I asked her, “Did you steel any contacts?” She said, “No, I just borrowed them because I was trying to figure out the name of the contacts' company. I was hoping your mom would tell me the name of the contacts' company and where it was located so I could put the contact box back in your car. The contact box didn’t have the location on it so I borrowed the contacts and found the name of the company online. Here is your box of contacts."
I then gave the box of contacts back to my mom. Finally, we got Jonathan and Gavin’s book bags switched back. I realized I could have asked Kasey in the beginning. I learned my lesson, I should never be afraid to ask about something. I am sure Kasey learned her lesson too, that she should not be afraid to ask questions.
I then gave the box of contacts back to my mom. Finally, we got Jonathan and Gavin’s book bags switched back. I realized I could have asked Kasey in the beginning. I learned my lesson, I should never be afraid to ask about something. I am sure Kasey learned her lesson too, that she should not be afraid to ask questions.
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