Maddie * Anna * Paige

Book Review

The book, Caddie Woodlawn, is a great book.  I am sure you will like it as well. I have written a few of Caddie’s adventures to see if you would like to read this book too.
Caddie swam across the river carrying her cloths above her.  She went to visit her Indian friend, John.  Caddie and her family were the only white people in their area that were friends with the Indians.
 Caddie’s Uncle Edmond came from Boston and gave her a silver dollar.  Caddie didn’t know what to spend it on, but the valentine with lace was very beautiful.  She ended up buying three combs for three poor Indian boys. When Uncle Edmond returned to Boston he took Narrow, Caddie’s dog, to Boston with him so he could train Narrow to be a better dog. Later Caddie got a letter saying that Narrow had run away and could not be found. She was heartbroken.
There was a rumor that Indians wanted to have war with the white people. Caddie overheard the soldiers saying that they were going to kill the Indians first. Caddie’s father was away so Caddie ran out to the forest to warn the Indians.  Caddie was brought home by John, the Indian Chief. John gave Caddie his dog and his scalp belt to keep safe while he went away until the leaves turned orange.
In the fall Caddie was playing in the front yard and John came to take his dog back.  Later Caddie saw a dog walking slowly towards her. It was her dog, Narrow.  He was weak so he was feed and played with and then  he was as good as new.
My favorite character is Caddie of course, because she is adventurous just like me.
I recommend this book to anyone who likes drama and adventure.  I wouldn’t change this story at all.  My favorite part of the story was when Narrow came back. 
Well, if you read this book, I hope you enjoy it.
                   `Anna Gonzales

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