Maddie * Anna * Paige


Let no one caught in sin remainInside the lie of inward shameWe fix our eyes upon the crossAnd run to Him who showed great love
And bled for usFreely You've bled for us
Christ is risen from the deadTrampling over death by deathCome awake, come awakeCome and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the deadWe are one with Him againCome awake, come awakeCome and rise up from the grave
Beneath the weight of all our sinYou bowed to none but heaven's willNo scheme of hell, no scoffer's crownNo burden great can hold You down
In strength You reignForever let Your church proclaim
Christ is risen from the deadTrampling over death by deathCome awake, come awakeCome and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the deadWe are one with Him againCome awake, come awakeCome and rise up from the grave
O death, where is your sting?O hell, where is your victory?O church, come stand in the lightThe glory of God has defeated the night
Sing it, o death, where is your sting?O hell, where is your victory?O church, come stand in the lightOur God is not dead, He's alive, He's alive
Christ is risen from the deadTrampling over death by deathCome awake, come awakeCome and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the deadWe are one with Him againCome awake, come awakeCome and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the deadTrampling over death by deathCome awake, come awakeCome and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the deadWe are one with Him againCome awake, come awakeCome and rise up from the graveRise up from the grave
Matt Maher

Read Between the Lines

Authors extraordinaire
Anna Grace Gonzales * Madison N. Ball * P. Elliott Ball

     The girls were challenged to create a new adventure with the main character of their favorite book. All three accepted the challenge and ran wrote with it. Their adventures were A*M*A*Z*I*N*G to say the least.
     Because they were so excited with their final product, the girls asked if they could share them on the blog. 
     Although I am certain you will want to read them - I just HAD to share them each reading their own tales. So just click the links below, sit back, and ENJOY!

PAM Diaries - Tales of the NOT SO Bad Carnival

Figure Heads

     During our recent visit to the Mariner's Museum, the girls became quite intrigued with various figure heads that graced the boats. Their fascination turned to curiosity and thus began their research on these carved adornments.
     From their investigation, the girls discovered that with the advent of the clipper ship, with her graceful lines, figure heads blossomed, usually into a single figure.  Figures of women were more popular than men or animals and began to replace them almost exclusively.  Although women were thought to be unlucky on a ship, it was thought that a woman as a figure head could calm the seas. 

P*A*M were then challenged
 to recreate themselves as figure heads
 using their favorite painting 
of a figure head 
as inspiration.

                   Lovely work ladies!




     Hundertwasser is inspiring. This art lesson was a lot of fun! Combining a lesson in warm and cool colors, patterns, and lines, composition and flow, this lesson had it all.


     To begin, we talked about Hundertwasser's love for lines and color, especially dark brights.  Then, on two pieces of white 12" x 18" white drawing paper, the girls painted strips of warm colors one one sheet and cool colors on the other.  Moving in a horizontal line, some lines were painted thick and others thin.  As the paint dried, they repainted over some dry areas and the, while the paint was still wet, scraped off some patterns with the wooden end of their brushes. The dried paint underneath peeked through.


     After the paintings were dry, the girls needed to decide if the background should be warm or cool. Paige & Maddie chose a warm background, cut their warm patterned paper into strips and glued onto a red background.  Anna chose a cool colored background and cut her strips and glued them onto a blue background.


     For and extra "Hundertwasser" touch, markers used to add line and pattern details. Then they used whatever sheet of painted paper the didn't use for the background to make the flowers.

     I think P*A*M created some beautiful ART!

For the Record

Whooooo's Smarter Than . . . . . . a Fifth Grader?

comes to Winder Crescent

     We concluded  "The Young Republic" unit with a rousing game of Jeopardy.  What * F * U * N * ! The girls scored an amazing amount of points and truly rOcKeD!
     This unit covered 1763 - 1783 in American history. These are the topics we covered:

                  Articles of Confederation
                  Constitutional Convention
                   Federalist Papers
                   Shay's Rebellion
                   Eli Whitney
                   Samuel Slater
                   Revolution of 1800
                   Louisiana Purchase
                   Lewis & Clark
                   Battle of Tippecanoe
                   War of 1812
                   Treaty of Ghent
                    Battle of New Orleans
Just for grins - why don't you click on the three links below and join in the fun to see if . . . 
             You are smarter than a 5th grader.

Jeopardy The Young Republic Game 1

Jeopardy The Young Republic Game 3

     Let us know how you did.  Enjoy!

OWL Always Love You

The ONLY crush these girls are allowed to have

Hit the New Year Running

Happy 11th Birthday, Maddie

                  Archery Permits Earned
Queen Susan of Narnia will soon have nothing
on these girls

 The HeART of the Matter at PFAC
pARTners in crime

             Favorite pieces of ART                      

Virginia Symphony
Schubert's "The Great"
with guest cellist, Mark Kosower . . . amazing

                        Young People's Concert 
                  with co-op friends
Gabriela, Maddie, Anna, Paige & Alec
A Few More Fun Spots
Viewing the movie "Lincoln"
after reading "Lincon's Last Days"
by Bill O'Rielly
Reading between the lines
at Barnes & Nobles

Virginia Living Museum
Going Bananas
over a measurement activity
Mariner's Museum
Answers in Genesis


Glory to God in the Highest

December Happenings

  Christmas Service Project

The girls worked for money to send Christmas
 packages to children of Tanzania

Work sure is *F*U*N* with friends

The girls worked hard bagging up over a dozen bags of leaves

Chrysler Hall

Paige playing Mozart's Musette in D Major 

Maddie played Jesu, Joy of Man Desiring
on a piano built in 1884

One of our favorite exhibits -
"Charlotte's Web"
Cameos of various people

Paige, Maddie, Anna, Miss Heidi, & Amma

Poinsettia tree with over 400 poinsettias 

Gifts MADE with love
The girls decided to MAKE their gifts for
each other this Christmas

Anna made a duct tape pillow for Maddie
and a backpack for Paige

Paige made darling MUSTACHE
rings & necklaces

A tree of fun
Maddie made two beautiful
bead braclets
Christmas Around the World
Miss Karen set an exquisite table for our
Christmas Around the World celebration

Treats from
 Brazil, Sweden, and Greece
Maddie - Sweden
Paige - Greece
Anna - Brazil
Miss Karen's heirloom
a mink coat from Greece
We were welcomed like royalty