Maddie * Anna * Paige

December Happenings

  Christmas Service Project

The girls worked for money to send Christmas
 packages to children of Tanzania

Work sure is *F*U*N* with friends

The girls worked hard bagging up over a dozen bags of leaves

Chrysler Hall

Paige playing Mozart's Musette in D Major 

Maddie played Jesu, Joy of Man Desiring
on a piano built in 1884

One of our favorite exhibits -
"Charlotte's Web"
Cameos of various people

Paige, Maddie, Anna, Miss Heidi, & Amma

Poinsettia tree with over 400 poinsettias 

Gifts MADE with love
The girls decided to MAKE their gifts for
each other this Christmas

Anna made a duct tape pillow for Maddie
and a backpack for Paige

Paige made darling MUSTACHE
rings & necklaces

A tree of fun
Maddie made two beautiful
bead braclets
Christmas Around the World
Miss Karen set an exquisite table for our
Christmas Around the World celebration

Treats from
 Brazil, Sweden, and Greece
Maddie - Sweden
Paige - Greece
Anna - Brazil
Miss Karen's heirloom
a mink coat from Greece
We were welcomed like royalty 

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