Maddie * Anna * Paige


     Hundertwasser is inspiring. This art lesson was a lot of fun! Combining a lesson in warm and cool colors, patterns, and lines, composition and flow, this lesson had it all.


     To begin, we talked about Hundertwasser's love for lines and color, especially dark brights.  Then, on two pieces of white 12" x 18" white drawing paper, the girls painted strips of warm colors one one sheet and cool colors on the other.  Moving in a horizontal line, some lines were painted thick and others thin.  As the paint dried, they repainted over some dry areas and the, while the paint was still wet, scraped off some patterns with the wooden end of their brushes. The dried paint underneath peeked through.


     After the paintings were dry, the girls needed to decide if the background should be warm or cool. Paige & Maddie chose a warm background, cut their warm patterned paper into strips and glued onto a red background.  Anna chose a cool colored background and cut her strips and glued them onto a blue background.


     For and extra "Hundertwasser" touch, markers used to add line and pattern details. Then they used whatever sheet of painted paper the didn't use for the background to make the flowers.

     I think P*A*M created some beautiful ART!

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