Maddie * Anna * Paige

Whooooo's Smarter Than . . . . . . a Fifth Grader?

comes to Winder Crescent

     We concluded  "The Young Republic" unit with a rousing game of Jeopardy.  What * F * U * N * ! The girls scored an amazing amount of points and truly rOcKeD!
     This unit covered 1763 - 1783 in American history. These are the topics we covered:

                  Articles of Confederation
                  Constitutional Convention
                   Federalist Papers
                   Shay's Rebellion
                   Eli Whitney
                   Samuel Slater
                   Revolution of 1800
                   Louisiana Purchase
                   Lewis & Clark
                   Battle of Tippecanoe
                   War of 1812
                   Treaty of Ghent
                    Battle of New Orleans
Just for grins - why don't you click on the three links below and join in the fun to see if . . . 
             You are smarter than a 5th grader.

Jeopardy The Young Republic Game 1

Jeopardy The Young Republic Game 3

     Let us know how you did.  Enjoy!

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